Studio Art

Grasping at Fate

I created this print in 2021 before transfering to a new college. Fresh out of my digital imagery and drawing classes, I combined elements I learned from both to create this piece. In my drawing class, I was introduced to figure ground reversals and fell in love with the idea of black ink seeming to illuminate the object in front of it. In digital imagery, my professor taught another student and me about linoleum block printing. She gave me my first block carving tool and a few linoleum blocks to experiment with. She also taught me how I should break down the anatomy of a hand using small ovals on each finger. I used this technique on this print because I loved creating a finished piece that still resembled a sketch. Combining these two elements resulted in this final print. 

Paige Schubert, Grasping at Fate, June 2021, Linoleum Block and Ink

Little Bird

After not printing any block images for almost ten months because of school, I finally decided to make a few new prints during summer break. This was one of my first linocut pieces after taking a break from the artform. I find most of my inspiration for studio artwork on Pinterest and saw an image of this little bird. I decided to recreate it but also add leaves and branches around the bird to experiment with my skills. I printed three of these images with the intention of selling them in the future. 

Paige Schubert, Little Bird, May 2023, Linoleum Block Print and Ink

Hand of God

This piece was created during my artistic pattern phase where every inch of space needed to be filled with a pattern of some sort. I became obsessed with flowers and dashes and in this piece I incorporated curvilinear lines as well as words. I did not carve the words in the linoleum block bur after printing added them in with a micro pen. 

I really enjoyed creating this piece as I allowed myself to experiment with abstraction. The clouds and sun resemble a sophisticated children’s drawing and the perspective of the road is not quite right but it still leads to an unknown place and the hand is emerging from the right to hold the road – it is chaotic but not overwhelming and carving each piece of this print was incredibly  therapeutic. 

Paige Schubert, Hand of God, November 2021, Linoleum Block Print and Ink

Flowers at the Cross

This was my second block print ever and another example of beautiful chaos. I created this piece shortly after finishing my digital imagery class and printed four. I gifted three of them to close friends for Christmas and the best one I kept for myself. Containing obvious religious tones, I created this piece when I was looking for peace and I found it at the cross. 

I mentioned above that flowers are incredibly important to me and that is because their beauty is so detailed and intricate. As an artist, I can only hope to capture a minute piece of that detail to share with others. 

Paige Schubert, Flowers at the Cross, December 2021, Linoleum Block Print and Ink

Jesus - Inspired by Jonathan Roumie

The Chosen is a television show created by Angel Studios capturing the life and ministry of Jesus while he was on earth. The actor of Jesus, Jonathan Roumie, played his character so well and each episode was a tearjerker for my family and me. I created this piece shortly after working with charcoal all semester in my second drawing class and this work took me months to complete. I edited and revised this work a number of times, asking my mom for her honest advice and this is the final charcoal drawing. 

I have not done much portrait work after completing this piece. This was a larger work and I tend to work on smaller canvases, but I hope to come back to it and work on perfecting that skill. 

Paige Schubert, Jesus, July 2021, 18×24, Charcoal on Paper